Reinventing motherhood | free virtual Collective

Ambitious Mamas Collective - A Space to Thrive

Welcome to our Ambitious Mamas Collective, a dynamic space where high-achieving mothers unite to thrive in both their careers and motherhood. In this haven, we tackle overwhelm and frustration by nurturing an abundance mindset, promoting relaxation, self-reconnection, and the sharing of our "Glimmers." Here, self-care and personal growth are not just encouraged; they're celebrated.

Think of this space as your oasis in the midst of life's chaos, a place to pause, tune into yourself, and soak up the support and camaraderie of your fellow Ambitious Mamas. We're here to help you dream big, relax, and thrive while honoring the extraordinary journey of motherhood intertwined with the dynamic world of self-driven professionals. So, welcome to the Ambitious Mamas Collective, where we embark on this adventure together with self reflection, shared laughter, stories, inspiration, and a sprinkle of fun along the way.

Third Thursday of the Month

May 16, 2024
1:00pm Eastern Time

More details:

  • The Collective will meet the Third Thursday of the Month. On the off weeks, Abbey encourages all of you to keep that time scheduled for relaxation, reflection or self-care on your own.
  • Each meeting will start with Abbey providing thought questions, journal prompts or affirmations for you to think on. Attendees will have time to focus their energy on these.
  • As a group we will come together to share about ourselves focusing on our WINS, responses to prompts, and/or support needs.
  • This is not to replace your own individual coaching or therapy.

Lead by Abbey Sangmeister

Founder of Evolving Whole.

Abbey beat the odds to become a Single Mom by Choice at 41 through lots of love and IVF.

While her favorite title is MOM, she realizes that her other roles are essential for her to be the mom she aspires to be, and she cherishes those titles as well.

Journey with us to create thriving, ambitious motherhood

Abbey encourages moms to find balance and success in all areas of their life. She wants to Evolve Motherhood so that moms are relaxed and enjoy the journey of motherhood without giving up the career part of their identity.

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